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Catalog archive | Auction 161


Lot 1-20 from 21
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TRIER estate, kernel this collection task is a Germany general collection from Old German States (barely occupies), extensively present are the collection areas German Reich, Berlin, German Demokratic Republik (East Germany) ** and used according to number of a major listing obviously complete, and Soviet Zone as well Federal Republic Germany, as well over and over again sought issues like charity souvenir sheet, Berlin pages 1 (2 pieces), Soviet Zone souvenir sheets and district hand stamp (these old signs respectively a few also unsigned), posthorn set ** expertized Schlegel BPP, collection New Saar to number of a major listing complete including flood souvenir sheet pair, various issues the so named dependency, plebiscite area as well 1. And World War II, all clean accommodated in numerous as good as new black stock books. Please check carefully! In total 4 large boxes.
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
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MAINZ estate, extensive collection task with a number of printed form albums and stock books in 10 large inspection boxes, as well and on ** collection Berlin including of all good first issues - red overprint with photo certificate Schlegel "genuine and immaculate", cancelled Berlin collection with BPP tested black overprint, ** collection III. Reich (approximate. 3.000 Michel), in all conditions led collection German Reich to 1932, as well multiple inflation period issues, old Saar with and on Michel-no. 30 / 31 BPP expertized, Federal Republic Germany with ** and cancelled collection only the posthorn set *, further extensive collection German Demokratic Republik (East Germany) and Soviet Zone with good souvenir sheets and first issues, into the bargain various annual and First Day Sheets, rewarding inspection!
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
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SIEGERLAND estate, extensive collection task in a number of stock books and printed form albums, as well and on ** collections Federal Republic (2) from 1949 with all good first issues (posthorn set just once included - on the base expertized Schlegel BPP), further American/British Zone with 52 / 68 I II ** expertized Schlegel BPP as well not issued I / IX I and II ** expertized Schlegel BPP, in addition to it multiple duplicates and contemporary material with a number of annuals and First Day Sheets, extensive inventory, please have a look!
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
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WEIMAR estate, three large inspection boxes filling collection task, as well good equipped collection German Reich, extensive collections Soviet Zone collections including sought souvenir sheets as well German Demokratic Republik (East Germany) ** and used obviously always complete, due to the amount of material please check carefully! Very high quality estate.
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
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WACHTBERG estate, seven boxes filling collection task, mainly was Germany collected, as well and on Federal Republic of Germany 1949 - 1960 ** and used to number of a major listing complete, unhinged mint posthorn set on the base expertized Schlegel BPP, further ** collection Berlin from Michel-no. 68 / 70 to 1990 obviously complete, Berlin pages 1 with photo certificate Schlegel BPP: "the condition is perfect", likewise included a ** and cancelled collection German Demokratic Republik (East Germany) in the number of a major listing at least once complete (mixed but in separate albums, because the souvenir sheets not always in both conditions as well are and within a special album are), further duplicates various area, German Reich, Federal Republic of Germany with some Euro face value, please check carefully!
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
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LEVERKUSEN estate, collection task in five boxes, as well and on collection Germany Plus (Federal Republic of Germany 1998 - 2009 ** / used always as corner margin copies), various annual, duplicate albums, sheet of ten DM time Federal Republic Germany in corresponding printed form albums from Lindner, further various varieties Soviet Zone MECKLENBURG-WESTERN POMERANIA with partially perforated values, unperforated as well stamps with variety "printing on gum side", please check carefully.
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
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1840 - 1993 (approximate. ) interesting collector's estate, as well cancelled collection Federal Republic from 1949 complete, good cancelled collection Great Britain from classic with two One penny Black as well one further on cover, thick album Europe classic with over and over again better values, collections USA and Canada, letter albums, duplicates and so on, in total a large box, unusually and extensive inventory
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
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1850 - 2003 (approximate. ), very large Germany - legal estate in 3 large boxes, beginning with Old German States over German Reich, mainly used, as well the breast shields already well-staffed, in addition to it a little area and naturally Federal Republic of Germany, Berlin and German Demokratic Republik (East Germany), partial double used and unused collected, all in good filled printed form albums, in addition a lot of duplicates - material from the early issues in large-sized stockbooks, as well a few documents, few first day covers and various. Some a little stale - smelling, but a very rich in substance lot!
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
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Shipãs mail, world, approximate 1987 - 2016, extensive and manifold collection with wide over 10.000 covers and cards lots in 6 gr. Boxes and on Navy Ship Post, Federal Armed Forces, an abundance at documents with "MS", "SSS" Cachet, foreign frankings, postal stationery, etc., an eldorado for any man specialists, perfekt to close, time-intensive inspection, enormously acquisition price! ! !, total weight approximate 75 kg.
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
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1850 - 1950, unusually collector's estate, as well collection German Reich 1872 / 1945 with a number of better values such as 4 unused breast shields, collection allied occupation, duplicate stockbooks Federal Republic of Germany and Berlin, good expanded collection France from the classic to 1993 with and on PEXIP-souvenir sheet, collections USA and Canada with many classic values, collection CEPT with good early issues, in addition to it small collection covers with cosmos and apollo documents and interesting paper bag lot German Reich with special stamps (without over quantities), in total 2 large boxes with 20 albums, extensive and complete untreated lot, low added to
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
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1850 - 2009 (approximate. ), extensive collector's estate world, as well good collection Austria from 1944 mint never hinged complete with Kärtner and Grazer overprints, collections Switzerland, UNO, CEPT, in part on printed forms, and one multiplicity from books with clean to countries sorted stamps, enormously much material in over 60 albums
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
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1951 - 2000, extensive Federal Republic Germany - permanent issues - collector's estate with all variety, the our permanent issues to offer have, in 16 albums, mint never hinged and used. As well the sheet stamps with pairs, upper- and sub-edges, the different corners, also with form numbers, sheets of ten from the sights values 1995, coil stamps with counting numbers, rolling, banderoles, as well stamp booklet, stamp booklet panes, se-tenant and se-tenant sheets. As well are also the permanent issues included, the it only as sheet stamps gave, like the Big Boys buildings, Heinemann, industrial & technique and woman. From the beginning is the collection not yet so well-stocked, the high posthorn values are with regummed, from the Heuss issues is already much material included, by the new issues is the collection very extensive, in addition to it a few duplicates-albums, stock cards, auction lots, and so on.
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
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Complete untreated collector estate in 14 lighthouse printed form albums with an extensive, to 1948 mixed used and unused created Germany collection almost of all area, well-staffed, but without the respective key values. They begins with a mainly cancelled Old German States collection, further with the German Reich, from the breast shield issues already well-staffed and with an unused souvenir sheet 1 (defects), over the Germania and Infla time, the third Reich with many good and mittelren values, issues and souvenir sheets, the German occupying issues with amongst other things a polar bear souvenir sheet, the different areas the allied occupation, in addition to it the Saarland, then Federal Republic of Germany and Berlin in each case with a cancelled and one unused collection to 2003 / 2005 respectively 1990, latter from the beginning in each case mainly unused, from 1950 then mint never hinged and largely complete. By the cancelled collections has the collector value on clean postmarks put, already from the start is many with centered cancellation respectively with readable city and date, the last approximate 20 years with almost full date stamp from Munich. In addition to it a cancelled German Demokratic Republik (East Germany) collection, to printed form complete, as well 3 the Marx souvenir sheet with date cancelãs "Berlin Pankow", the 4. souvenir sheet used "Berlin N" (this a little unclean), the Engels-souvenir sheet likewise used "Berlin N" and the Debria souvenir sheet with exhibition special cancel. Additionally is an Austria - collection included, likewise to 1948 mixed used and unused collected, then from approximate 1948 used to 1997, as well an all mainly cancelled Switzerland - collection from approximate 1882 to 1992, both likewise without the tips values, but with many better stamps and issues. To alledem duplicates, as well pairs the Federal Republic of Germany sheet stamps, blocks of four and parts of sheets from the 60 he years, Switzerland mint never hinged volumes, etc., etc., and
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
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Extensive collector - inventory in 4 large boxes, as well a mint never hinged UNO - and a cancelled CEPT - collection with follower, the mandatory "philatelic journey round the world", in many stockbooks, duplicate stockbooks, albums and letter albums with documents and some few first day covers, a few sheet and various.
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
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Interesting Germany - estate with a Federal Republic collection in 3 printed form albums, from the beginning mixed and not quite complete, later here and there double collected, to 2003, in addition to it Berlin and German Demokratic Republik (East Germany) collections in stockbooks, duplicates in stock books, also with Federal Republic of Germany beginning valued, an album with stamps before 1948 also with areas, besides various like a little carton philately, etc., in the box.
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
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Complete untreated, small collector estate with a from the beginning cancelled, except for few from the beginning issues complete, from 1958 then mint never hinged, largely complete Federal Republic Germany collection the years 1949 to 1971 and 1977 to 1989 in 6 Lindner ring binder and then as "Germany plus" - subscription (mint never hinged and used with first day special cancel in each case from the corner of the sheet next to one another on preprinted pages) the years 1998 to 2005 in 3 blue post ring binder. In addition to it a Berlin collection 1965 - 1978, largely complete, double mint never hinged and used, in the years before that only a few values and issues, in addition to it the postal stationery, in 2 Lindner ring binder, as well a little German Demokratic Republik (East Germany) and duplicates, as well many souvenir sheets, in some albums, a file and a shoe box with glassine-bags. In addition to it the mandatory first day sheet collection, 2 nagelneue Lindner ring binder, within an a printed form from 1980 - 1989, etc., all in 5 boxes accommodated!
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
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Complete untreated collector estate with a cancelled Federal Republic of Germany collection the years 1958 - 2000 in 3 Lindner printed form albums, further parts of collections from Berlin, of the German Demokratic Republik and the German areas in old Vorduck respectively stockbooks, in addition to it duplicates, a little German Reich, an old bags lot with permanent issues from the posthorn permanent issue in 2 shoe box, a little international and various, in in total 4 large boxes.
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
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1889 - 2003, a little unorthodoxer collector - estate with a Federal Republic of Germany collection from 1960 to end 2003 in several stockbooks, in addition to it duplicates, partial still in the original bags of the philatelic agency, various albums, as well 1 album from Old German States, as well in boxes and bags, a little box philately, and so on in the mittelren box. To alledem 1 box with telephone cards, usually in officially Foldern and gift Foldern, -portfolios, -cases and -boxes the Telecom. Interesting!
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
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1973 - 2007, Federal Republic - interesting lot with 34 silver minister annuals to 2007, in the 90s years partly multiple, 7 blue minister annuals and -multi-year books in slipcases from the 90s years, a five-year ministers book 1988 - 1992 in the red, and a ten-year ministers book 1977 - 1986 in the country imitation leather binding in the Din A4 size, of it many with handwritten dedication of the respective Postmaster general. In addition to it hundreds white, small and large folding cards and colored special- folding cards, Folder, etc., all in 2 medium-sized boxes accommodated.
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
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Complete untreated covers - part of a large collector remission with all, what within a long collector - live zusammenkommt. Is included mainly newer, German collector and legitimate postage, but also a few older documents from German Reich and pre-philately, First Day Cover of the Federal Republic and from Berlin and Liechtenstein, the mandatory first day sheet, maximum cards, and so on. . . ., partial lots, partial in transparent films and albums, in total 7 boxes full !
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
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Lot 1-20 from 21
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