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Catalog archive | Auction 182

09/09/2021 - 09/11/2021

Lot 1-14 from 14
1944, island post, fieldpost letter with postal stamp Brunswick 1 from 6.12.44 on perforated island post stamp with local overprint from Crete on air fieldpost admission stamp to the Captain Rühland with the army postal service no. 68001 = technique Kp. 128 (HB) on the island Crete, the letter is with the 6. Or 7. Island post flight at the 22.12.1944 to Crete flown in become, the letter is at the lower margin cut in and pasted up, photo certificate Petry, Michel 700.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
Opening bid
1944, island post, fieldpost letter from 15.11.44 with perforated island post stamp with local overprint from Crete on air fieldpost admission stamp as well with senders note army postal service no. 68006 = kind. Regiment Crete on the island Crete, the letter might with the 2. Island post flight at the 17.11.1944 have been flown out of Crete, the letter is to the margins cut in and vertical folded, Michel 700.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
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Accepted bid
1944, island post, fieldpost letter from 8.11.44 with perforated island post stamp with local overprint from Crete on air fieldpost admission stamp as well with senders note army postal service no. 68025 D = 2. Kp. Gren. Regiment 733 on the island Crete, the letter might with the 1. Island post flight at night from 8. / 9.11.1945 have been flown out of Crete, the letter is at the right lateral and at the lower margin cut in, Michel 700.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
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Accepted bid
1945, island post, fieldpost letter with postal stamp Vienna from 3.2.45 as well with perforated island post stamp with horizontal cocally overprint from Rhodes on air fieldpost admission stamp to the army postal service no. 68068 D = 3. Battr. Kind. Battalion north on the island Rhodes, the letter might with the 12. Island post flight at the 20.2.1945 to Rhodes flown in become be, the letter is centered vertical folded, otherwise excellent legitimate condition, certificate Petry, rare, Michel 7.000.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
Opening bid
1945, island post, fieldpost letter from 21.2.45 with rouletted island post stamp with horizontal cocally overprint from Rhodes on field post parcel admission stamp to Stapelmoor in Eastern Friesland as well with service stamp with old army postal service no. 59537 = fortress commander Rhodes and with senders note army postal service no. 68060 = rod commander East Aegean on the island Rhodes, the letter might with the 13. Island post flight at the 26.2.1945 from Rhodes have been flown out, the letter has at the upper margin a pasted up tear, otherwise legitimate condition, photo expertize Petry, rare, Michel 1.200.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
Opening bid
1945, island post, fieldpost letter from 9.3.45 with rouletted island post stamp and service stamp with old army postal service no. 47172 = rod Army Küst. Kind. Battalion 630 as well with senders note army postal service no. 680069 G = Army coast battery Kiel on Rhodes to Aschersleben at the Harz, good legitimate condition, the letter might with the 15. Island post flight at night from 18. / 19.3.1945 from Rhodes have been flown out, photo expertize Petry, rare, Michel 1.200.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
Opening bid
1944, island post, fieldpost letter from 12.12.44 with rouletted island post stamp with \"Agramer overprint\" in blue colour to Delmenhorst with senders note army postal service no. 68077 = 1. San. Kp. 999 and Italy insular hospital on the island Rhodes as well with censorship treatment of the field post office censorship near the chief commander south-east through censorship seal with frame stamp on the letter back, good condition; the letter might with the 6. Or 7. Island post flight at the 22.12.1944 of the island Rhodes over Crete have been flown out, photo expertize Petry, covers with this censorship are rare, Michel 405.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
Opening bid
1945, island post, fieldpost letter from 3.2.45 with rouletted island post stamp with Agramer overprint as well with senders note army postal service no. 68096 C = Pioneer landing. Kp. 780 on the island Leros, the letter might with the 11. Island post flight at the 7.2.1945 from Rhodes over Crete have been flown out, legitimate condition, rare, because the Kp. From only 46 Wehrmacht member inventory, expertized Rungas and cheater as well photo certificate Petry, Michel 180.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
Opening bid
1945, island post, fieldpost letter from 27.3.45 with rouletted island post stamp with Agramer overprint and senders note army postal service no. 68066 C = 3. Battr. Kind. Regiment 999 on the island Rhodes, the letter might with the 17. Island post flight, the last flight to the main-land, at the 1.4.1945 from Rhodes have been flown out, expertized Rungas, the letter is at the lower margin cut in and pasted up, otherwise but good condition, Michel 400.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
Opening bid
1945, island post, fieldpost letter from 26.3.45 with rouletted island post stamp with Agramer overprint in black blue colour as well with service stamp with old army postal service no. 58391 B and senders note army postal service no. 68097 B = 1. Kp. XI. Fort-Inf. Btl. 999 on the island Postmark with Upper Circle Segment, the letter might with the 17. Island post flight at the 1.4.1945 from Rhodes have been flown out, the letter is vertical folded and at the lower margin cut in and pasted up, otherwise but good legitimate condition, photo certificate cheater, rare, Michel 1.200.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
Opening bid
1945, island post, fieldpost letter from 11.3.45 with rouletted island post stamp with hand-roller cancel overprint from Leros and print of a postmark from branch field post office in postage Lago on the island Leros as well senders note army postal service no. 68093 a = rod March kind. Battalion 624 on the island Leros, the letter might with the 15. Island post flight at night from 18. / 19.3.1945 from Rhodes have been flown out, the back side of the letter, the otherwise in good legitimate condition is, is not complete, photo certificate Petry, Michel 1.100.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
Opening bid
1945, island post, fieldpost letter from 22.3.45 with rouletted island post stamp with hand-roller cancel overprint from Leros and print of a postmark from branch field post office in postage Lago on the island Leros as well senders note army postal service no. 68094 D = 3. Battr. Flak battalion Leros on the island Leros, the letter might with the 17. Island post flight at the 1.4.1945 from Rhodes have been flown out, good legitimate condition, expertized Tust, Pickenpack and cheater, Michel 1.100.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
Opening bid
1945, island post, fieldpost letter from 15.1.45 to Meissen in Saxony with island post stamp with overprint \"Christmas 1944\" in type IV on postal stamp from Rodi as well with senders note army postal service no. 68066 B = rod IV kind. Regiment 999 on the island Rhodes; the letter is two-sided opened and at the underneath cut in, of the admission stamp was the lower row of teeth through improper part in a large part torn off, there but island post letters with the Christmas stamp in type IV to the rarest manifestations the island post appertain, can these defects be tolerated; the letter might with the 10. Island post flight at the 28.1.1945 from Rhodes have been flown out, photo expertize Hanfried Müller, Michel 7.500.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
12Type IV
Opening bid
1945, small collection \"army postal service in Vienna\" with almost 20 covers and cards with postmarks from Vienna, as well franked post, forwardings and further special feature, all mounted on pages with inscription
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
Opening bid
Lot 1-14 from 14