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Catalog archive | Auction 173

03/13/2020 - 03/14/2020

Lot 7287
Auction 173 | Lot 7287
Opening bid
1912 - 1939, 50 covers and cards, as well numerous good travels like Sieger-no. 23 IA (2), 114 D, 119 E, 218 Ic, 238 E and 427 from, partly with high-value frankings like 2 RM South America flight on Si. 88 Ac, as well contracting states with interesting and rarely pieces like incoming line Gdansk to Si. 113; in addition to it 3 airmail documents, as well two cards Rhein / Main, here including with Michel no. IV, high-value collection in nice condition from abandonment of a collection in the Lindner ring binder, Si. Approximate 7.000.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
Accepted bid