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Catalog archive | Auction 194

29 September 2023

Lot 6565
Auction 194 | Lot 6565
Opening bid
1872 - 1875, cancelled collection with among others Michel number 8 expertized Krug BPP, 11 photo expertize Dr. Zill BPP, 13 photo expertize Jaeschke Lantelme BPP, 15 expertized Krug BPP, 21 b photo expertize Krug BPP, 27 an expertized Jaeschke Lantelme BPP, 28 photo expertize Hennies BPP and 30 photo expertize Krug BPP, the slightly mixed condition, Michel 8.025.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!