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Catalog archive | Auction 177

11/24/2020 - 11/28/2020

Lot 9247
Auction 177 | Lot 9247
Opening bid
Schwarzenbach at the SAALE, 1757 - 2000 specialized collection of an area with covers, cards and postal stationery, as well rare postmarks like "goods EXPED - Schwarzenbach" semicircle cancel on Michel-no. 23 on cover, "K. G. E. Schwarzenbach" on Michel-no. 23 on cover, further registered, official letters, censorship, package cards, postal forms, photos and so on, with also single stamps with millwheel postmarks, cutouts with meter cancel and so on, except for a seeming all occurring stamp allocated, exhibition moderate in five volumes made up, in addition to it two volumes with additions, Documents, newspaper articles and so on. (former starting price 1000) ;
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
Accepted bid