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Catalog archive | Auction 192

19 - 20 May 2023

Lot 4
Auction 192 | Lot 4
Opening bid
6 Kr. On yellow, along with 3 Kr. On bright gray ultramarine on properly franked folded letter from 5 ring \"8\" - Baden 1 JUN (1860) to Frankfurt with distribution cancel, the 3 Kr. Stamp at the bottom on the right short touched, otherwise having full to wide margins, left even with part of the neighbour, the 6 Kr. In the as usual cut, with full content, decorative and not frequent mixed franking, new photo expertize Stegmueller BPP (2023) \"cut as usual, perfect\", Michel 750.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!