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Catalog archive | Auction 192

19 - 20 May 2023

Lot 1970
Auction 192 | Lot 1970
Opening bid
8BI **
Island Rhodes, admission stamp rouletted, overprint \"island post\" jejune, from right margin of sheet, overprint field 40 on stamp from part sheet of the original stamp counter sheet the HAN 17679.44 1, impeccable mint never hinged, expertized Pickenpack BPP and others as well photo expertize Claus Petry BPP (2023) : \"in perfect condition, the difficult separation of the roulette is with means complete arrive. Verifiable the original stamp counter sheet with the HAN 17697.44 1 originating Rhodes local overprint are rare! \", Michel 400.- - in this condition rare stamp! In of our 181. Auction obtained we for a piece without margin of sheet already 650.- Euro
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
Accepted bid