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Catalog archive | Auction 193

21 - 22 July 2023

Lot 1323
Auction 193 | Lot 1323
Opening bid
2 Groschen small breast shield, gray ultramarine, special feature \"strength vertical defective or badly placed perforation - approximate 3 mm to the right shifted by which design of the stamp\", two examples as properly franking on registered letter the 2nd weight step, tied by Saxony dual circuit cancel \"Cainsdorf 13 Feb 72\", addressed to Werdau, through the upper stamp goes a horizontal crease otherwise faultless condition, very rare - particularly since on document, expertized Hennies BPP and photo expertize Krug BPP: \"so strong with defective or badly placed perforation breast shield stamps are - particularly since as multiple franking - very rare. \"
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!