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Catalog archive | Auction 163


Lot 7142
Auction 163 | Lot 7142
Opening bid
Postal stationery postcard 80 C. "Arc de Triomphe" with overprint "Besetzes area North France" in type I, correctly franked use from "Dunkerque 14.7.40" to Ghyvelde with reverse arrival postmark from 15.7.40, photo expertize Lothar autumn VP (2016) : "the condition is perfect. The card (without text) is from known philatelic correspondence and is with 80 C. correctly franked franked. Such postcards are very rare, there they only in very small number of pieces recorded are (estimated printing approximate 100 piece). "
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!