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Catalog archive | Auction 164

09/072018 - 09/08/2018

Lot 8211
Auction 164 | Lot 8211
Opening bid
1920 - 1939, interesting lot on stock cards, mainly * / ** in addition to it a few few document with and on * postal stationery, as well for example Michel-no. 9 HAN, 12 HAN, 83F ** (2), 83I **, 83 IV ** (2), 108F, 108U, 110F, 130F, 145F, 165U, 169FU, 178U, 190 / 92 **, 259U, 262 HAN, 263 HAN, postage due stamps with and on 1P1 and 2P2, into the bargain various official stamps, high catalog value.
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
Accepted bid