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Catalog archive | Auction 161


Lot 1-16 from 16
Airmail 1912 - 1990 (approximate. ), most interesting collections stock with above 220 documents, focal point Sail flights DR, Federal Republic of Germany / German Demokratic Republik (East Germany) and a little international, as well better like Rhein / Main, DR flight stamps 17a and 17b on glide card and so on, in addition to it glidemarken Nuremberg 1951, in this volume hardly ever offered
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
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Prussia 1850 - 1867, specialized cancelled collection, except for Michel 26 in the number of a major listing more then complete, as well many good values like Michel no. 1 (2), 6b strip of three, 7c, 8c, 13a / b, and 20 / 21, mostly visually very nice pieces with full margins and centered postmarks, better colours, multiples and so on, many already expertized, nice collection in above average condition right up to superb and extremely fine copies, Michel wide over 1.500.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
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T&T 1852 - 1866, cancelled collection from the Michel no. 1, wide above average quality with many chosen and having full margins (!) pieces, as well good values like Michel no. 2 full margins on piece, 13 in the pair, 18 / 19 and 24 always full margins, 25, 27 twice, of it a with margin of sheet, on piece and 46, also a few blue stamp included, many BPP expertized, often as single lots on auctions bought, clean in the stock book sorted
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
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T&T 1609 - 1877, lot with 28 documents, as well partly very early 20 former and flourish covers to Detmold (one to Verden) at there earls respectively the government, many different on the back needle seal, ratings, Charge grid, additionally expenses cover and breast shield documents, interesting lot, favorable extension
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
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German Reich 1872 - 1945, extensive specialized cancelled collection, beginning with interesting breast shield part with some superb in every respect (choice copy) pieces, pennies, crown / eagle and Germania with useful colours, good part Infla with colours as well high-value album Weimar and Third Reich, with a large number at expensive values like Michel no. 13 with Fz., 27a, 27b (repaired. ), 28 (repaired. ), 33aa, 35c, 36b, 38b, 46ba, 66II, 96AII corner margin copy, IV, 115d, 116 / 18, 151Y, 217a, 256d, 309BPa, 319AWb, 319B, and Ostropa souvenir sheet (except for this all named expertized), these with small defects, the mittelren and favorable values normally in perfect condition, very many BPP-expertized, in part with short attests, in addition to it high-value lot official stamps with Michel no. I lots and on cover, 65 and 83 and so on, clean in two printed form albums and small stockbook with specialties, very interesting object from collection task, Michel wide over 20.000.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
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German Reich 1872 - 1945, cancelled collection German Reich, partly to colours specialized collected, incompletely, but with over and over again better values like Michel no. 15 (defects), 30 (defects), 66II (repaired. ), 118a, 179 (defects), 438Y margin copy in perfect condition with attest and 576 / 79 (defects), except for latter all named BPP-expertized, in the supplement official stamps with and on Michel no. 87 (defects) expertized Infla, likewise numerous further values expertized, clean in the Lighthouse illustrated album, in addition to it duplicate albums, stockcards lot with useful mint never hinged issues and small collection Bavaria on printed forms, Michel wide over 5.000.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
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German Reich 1914 - 1945, mint never hinged collection (very few values unused), here and there complete, with numerous good values and issues like Michel no. pages 1 (affixed spots, small defects, expertized Schlegel BPP), 540 / 43 expertized Schlegel BPP, 588 / 97, pages 9 (defects), and pages 10, types and partly better colours, margin copies and so on, many expertized Infla respectively BPP, in almost without exception perfect condition, in addition to it good part official stamps with Michel no. D14 mint never hinged (defects), clean in the imperial illustrated album, great collection, Michel wide over 6.000.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
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German Reich 1933 - 1945, mint never hinged part of a collection with useful issues like Michel no. 492, 540 / 43, 548 / 53, 538 expertized Schlegel BPP, 539, 588 / 97 and souvenir sheet 10, in addition to it official stamps with and on D144 / 54, more or less allways in perfect condition, clean in the Lighthouse illustrated album, Michel more then 3.500.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
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Saar 1947 - 1959, mint never hinged collection, except for Michel no. 337 in the number of a major listing complete, flood souvenir sheet (pages 1 stick, pages 2 fingerprints) expertized Hoffmann BPP and Michel no. D44 unused, otherwise in allways perfect unhinged mint condition with numerous margin copies and so on, in the stockbook, Michel more then 1.600.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
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German Demokratic Republik (East Germany) 1949 - 1990, mint never hinged and cancelled, double led collection, mint never hinged obviously complete, used to 1970, from the beginning complete, near the end there several values missing, with all good issues and souvenir sheets, normally faultless condition, in 5 printed form albums and a stock book, in addition to it small booklet Soviet Zone, from collector's estate, Michel more then 2.200.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
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BERLIN 1948 - 1990, partly specialized cancelled collection, in the number of a major listing except for pages 1 obviously complete, the good early issues Michel no. 1 / 41 always in perfect condition expertized Schlegel BPP with 2 photo certificates, likewise 68 / 70, 75 / 79 and 106 / 09, with also numerous special feature and plate flaw, buildings in fact specialized collected with Michel no. 58X and 59I, always small defects expertized Schlegel BPP, then the 1957er designs to one airmail stamps series in block form, both souvenir sheets (Philex 400.-), permanent issue in horizontal pairs, counting numbers etc., good early covers, and on airlift, and duplicates, predominantly faultless condition, clean in the stockbook, Michel wide over 7.000.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
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BERLIN 1948 - 1990, mint never hinged, except for several values buildings in the number of a major listing complete collection, the good beginning valued Michel no. 1 / 41 in perfect condition expertized Schlegel, likewise 59 and 60, then 61 / 63 in perfect condition, 65 / 70 and pages 1 in perfect condition expertized Schlegel and so on, mostly excellent condition, many already expertized, nice collection in the Lighthouse illustrated album, in addition to it small permanent issues special collection and duplicates, Michel wide over 6.000.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
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American/British Zone 1945 - 1949, mint never hinged and cancelled, double led collection, partly a little specialized compiled with useful types and colours, as well good values like Michel no. 35B (defects) with attest, 55I (defects), 59II, and 60II (defects) always used and expertized BPP as well Michel no. 96eg ** and 100II (defects) always expertized Novak BPP, in addition to it covers with useful frankings and tenfold frankings as well small doublets lot, interesting and good expanded collection with many already expertized stamps to the continue, Michel more then 3.500.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
Opening bid
Federal Republic of Germany 1949 - 2009, mint never hinged collection, in the number of a major listing more then complete, with all good sets like helper of human resources, posthorn, St. Maryãs Church with corner pieces, the good first issues i. D. R. in perfect condition expertized Schlegel BPP (photo certificates / -attest for Michel no. 137, 189), as well colours, permanent issues specialized, stamp booklet and much face value (u. On stock book permanent issues in pairs and multiples to 2009), selected condition, in 3 Lighthouse illustrated album and duplicates in stock books, Michel wide over 5.000.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
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Federal Republic of Germany 1949 - 2009, cancelled collection, in the number of a major listing more then complete, straight in the beginning years specialized collected with numerous plate flaws and varieties, permanent issues in pairs, coil stamps and so on, as well Michel no. 112I, 113 / 15, 115II, 128Z, and 132Z (partly minimal higher signed Schlegel BPP), very many BPP-expertized and often faultless condition, in addition to it better covers and First Day Cover, nice authentic collection in the 2 stock books and 2 printed form albums, Michel wide over 4.000.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
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UNO NEW YORK 1951 - 1987, mint never hinged collection, in the number of a major listing complete including souvenir sheet 1, in addition to it small inventory flags sheetlet, faultless, in 3 printed form albums, enormous catalog value
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
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Lot 1-16 from 16