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Catalog archive | Auction 176

09/24/2020 - 09/26/2020

Lot 1-19 from 19
3 C. To 1 Fr. Official stamps, more then complete set with 14 values (Michel -no. 2 Ia and 2 Ib, 3 Ia and 3 Ib as well 11 I and 11 II), in perfect condition mint never hinged, Michel 370.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
1/11 I,II **
Opening bid
3 C. To 1 Fr. Official stamps, complete set with 12 values - including 11 I and 11 II, in perfect condition mint never hinged, photo expertize Ney: "perfect. ", Michel 530.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
1/11 I,II **
Opening bid
3 C. To 1 Fr. Official stamps, complete set with 13 values - 2 Ia, 2 Ib, 11 I and 11 II, in perfect condition mint never hinged, photo expertize Geigle BPP: "the quality is perfect. ", Michel 530.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
1/11 I,II **
Opening bid
Accepted bid
1 Fr in of the rare type I with overprint error XIX ("N" top left thickened) in perfect condition mint never hinged, signed on the base Bärsch BPP, Michel 350,--
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
11I PF XIX **
Opening bid
1 Fr type II with plate flaw I (abridged certificate with photo Geigle BPP) and with plate flaw III always in perfect condition mint never hinged, Michel 280.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
11II PFI + III **
Opening bid
1 Fr type II two time and 25 C type II always in perfect condition mint never hinged and signed on the base Hoffmann BPP, Michel 140.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
11II(2)+ 14II **
Opening bid
15 C. To 75 C. Official stamps, 25 C. With overprint in type I and II, complete set with five values, in perfect condition mint never hinged, photo expertize Geigle BPP: "the quality is perfect", Michel 135.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
12/15 **
Opening bid
Accepted bid
20 C supplementary value with all plate flaws except XXIV complete in perfect condition mint never hinged, Michel 660.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
13PF **
Opening bid
Accepted bid
25 C supplementary value in type I, all plate flaw except XIX and XXIV in perfect condition mint never hinged complete, of it three expertized Ney BPP or Hoffmann BPP plus always an abridged certificate with photo Geigle BPP and Ney BPP, Michel 960.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
14I PF **
Opening bid
Accepted bid
25 C supplementary value in type II with plate flaw V, VII, XI, XIV, XV, XVI (all original stamp) ++ overprint error PF VI in perfect condition mint never hinged, each value with abridged certificate with photo Geigle BPP "perfect", Michel approximate 1.050.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
14II(7) PF **
Opening bid
25 C in the good type II with plate flaw V and with overprint error VI (this with abridged certificate with photo Geigle BPP) in perfect condition mint never hinged, Michel approximate 300.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
14II PFV + VI **
Opening bid
75 C with overprint error III, IV as well XIX ++ XX (both signed on the base Hoffmann BPP) and XXI (photo expertize Geigle BPP) in perfect condition mint never hinged, Michel 600.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
Opening bid
30 C. - 2 Fr. With steep overprint, complete mint never hinged, Michel 220.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
16/21 **
Opening bid
Accepted bid
5 various plate flaw the original stamp, 16 a V ++ VI, 18 III, 19 VI and 20 III, always in perfect condition mint never hinged, Michel 485.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
16aV+VI/20III **
Opening bid
Accepted bid
50 C with plate flaw IV in perfect condition mint never hinged, photo expertize Ney: "mint never hinged, perfect", Michel 300.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
18IV **
Opening bid
1 Fr with plate flaw III, IV and XI (latter with abridged certificate with photo Geigle BPP) in perfect condition mint never hinged, Michel 170.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
20aIII+IV+XI **
Opening bid
10 C. To 2 Fr. Official stamps, complete set with 11 values, as well 24 III, 26 b, 28 b and 30 a, in perfect condition mint never hinged, photo expertize Geigle BPP: "the quality is perfect. ", Michel 155.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
22/32 **
Opening bid
Accepted bid
15 C with plate flaw XI, XII, XIII, XIV and XVI always in perfect condition mint never hinged (XIV signed on the base Ney BPP), Michel 175.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
Opening bid
40 C, 50 C in a-color and two time in b-colour always in perfect condition mint never hinged and signed on the base Hoffmann BPP, Michel 106.-
For lots of the clearance sale we accept underbids up to 30% starting price - if there is no higher bid!
27b,28a,28b(2) **
Opening bid
Lot 1-19 from 19